Making money work for everyone

Helping financial institutions thrive
Our vision is to help you achieve yours – with innovative banking products that let your business thrive, and improve your customers lives.
Money management and banking, fit for the modern age — We’re here to help you move money in smarter ways, with customer‑focused banking solutions that delight and engage the modern customer.
Serving you since 2012

Money movement is an art. We help you master it.
In today’s fast‑paced digital world, financial institutions have the opportunity to modernize money movement and deliver outstanding customer experience. While legacy systems hold you back, we move you forward. Empowering you to create new products at blistering speed, and deploy them at lightning pace.
Safe and secure. Smart and fast. Finzly’s end‑to‑end money movement platform gives your customers the experience they expect from a modern bank.
When you partner with Finzly, you’ll lead the way in transforming money movement, foreign exchange trading, and trade finance. With the freedom to innovate, push boundaries, and transform at pace – there’s nothing stopping you.

Leadership team

Booshan Rengachari

Murthy Balusu

Aarthie Ramachandran

Nate Gonzalez

Pat Szewczyk

Vijay Vardhan

Karuna Kathir

Duc Trinh

Steve Ledford

Gene Neyer